Part of the Grade 9 Social Studies curriculum in BC is teaching the Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions. While we were studying the Industrial Revolution, my students asked me "Did they know they were in the middle of a revolution?" I posed the question to my students: "Do you know that we are in the middle of a revolution right now?" They were a little confused, so I asked them what kind of revolution they thought we might be in. I set them into pairs to discuss and I started seeing some students pull out their phones. Some were off topic and texting or snapchatting each other, but some started Googling "What revolution are we a part of in 2014?" As they came back together, I asked again "What 'Revolution' will students in a hundred years look back and study about our time period?" There was a general consensus that we are in the middle of a Technological Revolution. I pointed out that when I was in school (which wasn'...