I've noticed that my last few post titles have had an overflow of alliteration, and I quite enjoy it! Moving on, I want to share two new art projects that I've done with my Grade 4's. The first is a pattern project that we did at the end of our patterns unit in math. I found the inspiration from the blog Kid Artists , but changed it up a bit. First, we started by drawing wavy lines across the page vertically and horizontally. Next, in each of the spaces, draw an "X," making sure to reach all four corners of the space. Once you have all the X's drawn, choose four colours. The bottom space of all of the X's should be one colour. The tops will be another colour. The lefts will be a third colour, and the rights will be the last colour. The wavier you draw your lines, the more distorted the pattern becomes. They turned out beautifully! The second project was inspired by the ...