I know I haven't written in awhile. It has been a busy February for me! 1. I had some sort of cold/flu hybrid that knocked me down for the first two weeks! We've had gorgeous weather, I had to miss two weekends stuck inside in bed with no voice and no energy :( Happily, I am feeling much better now and got to enjoy some excellent west coast Canadian winter weather! Can you believe these were taken on February 24th? In Canada? 2. I reached 350 Likes on Facebook and 400 followers on Teachers Pay Teachers . To celebrate, I had a sale and giveaway that was a lot of fun! 3. I've been slogging through report cards for both my classes. I created a new format this term and it required a lot of set up. I'm used to writing middle school reports - very few comments accompanied by a letter grade. Elementary reports are SO much work! Thankfully,...