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Showing posts from 2025

Making Math Engaging for Students Who Say They ‘Hate Math’

We've all heard it: "I hate math!" Whether it's frustration, past struggles, or just disinterest, some students come into our classrooms with their minds made up. But as teachers, we know that math isn't the enemy — and we can change the way our students see it. By making math hands-on, relevant, and interactive, we can help them develop confidence and maybe even enjoy it. Here are some strategies to make math more engaging in middle school: 1. Get Hands-On Math can feel abstract, but giving students something to touch can make a huge difference. Use manipulatives like fraction tiles, algebra tiles, and pattern blocks. Bring in real-world connections like planning a trip on a budget, doubling or halving a recipe (then having students make the dish!), or designing a dream bedroom with area and perimeter. I've had students plan field trips that they'd like to take - looking at bus schedules, budgets, and timetables. Not only did it engage them in their le...