If you are looking for a way to help your students with self-assessment of the Core Competencies in BC that doesn't feel like a challenge or a burden, look no further! This weekly reflection page has been a game changer in my classroom. Here's how I use it: In the first few weeks of school, I teach the language of the Core Competencies to my middle schoolers. We break apart all seven sub-competencies and create "I Can" statements that are in student-friendly language. Students won't be able to self-assess if they don't have the language of assessment. After they are comfortable with the language, we reflect on lessons where one or more competency was really highlighted. For example, in a lesson about finding reliable sources, I can bring the conversation back to the competency of critical thinking. Then, starting in mid-late October, we begin a weekly reflection of Core Competencies. I use the page below with my students. (If you click on the image, you can...